
Title:Pageboats, Medium:Oil on canvas, Size:65 X 48 inches, Year:2009.


Title:Stars, Medium:Oil on canvas, Size:48 X 60 inches, Year:2009.


Title:Moms Family, Medium: Oil on canvas, Size: 4.5 X 5.5 feet, Year:2009.


Title:Roommates, Medium:Oil on canvas, Size: 3.5 X 4.5 inches, Year:2009.

2009 (Accomplishing my Master Degree with a clue towards personal,social and political amalgamations in to my works.)During this time I contented my self with substantial formal and content settlements .The emotional contents of my works paired my educational literary research on the ‘Indian photographic studio’ subject matter.I painted my young mother’s ideological ambitions and ventures of college life.I founded out her college life photographic albums as my painterly inspirations.In the process her political inclinations affected my paintings with objects of allusions and colour symbolisms.